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Angelic Reiki

It's an honour to become a channel for the Angels to deliver this healing.

The Angel Energy knows on all levels what is needed to create harmony within the body, to help improve the well-being of the recipient.

Once you are comfortable,I'll ask you to take yourself away to a safe place that brings you tranquility whilst you recieve the healing.

Whether your ailment is physical or mental, the energy will work with you.You may experience something throughout the healing, such as seeing colours, hot & cold or floaty, it's normal and wonderfully pleasant.

You may also feel nothing, and that too is normal.  Just know the healing energy is with you and can last up to 3 weeks.


Angelic Chakra Reiki

Angelic Chakra Reiki  is the same as the above, but with the focus on your Chakras.


Specific Angels are called upon for certain chakras.


A wonderful treatment, that will leave you feeling lighter and aligned!


Cord Cutting

Angelic Reiki Cord Cutting, looks at multidimensional cord cutting.


Do you have someone in your life that you are constantly clashing with?


We look at the past lives you have had with that person and with the help of the angels, we cut those energetic cords.


Once those cords are cut we go straight into Angelic Reiki to bring in peace.



Rahanni Celestial Healing is a wonderful healing modality of balance.  It is a 5th dimensional healing modality and works on the vibration of the heart chakra. 


It balances the male and female sides of ourselves and helps us to release negativity and fear from our heart centre. 


This allows us to live our true essence. It is a powerful healing and has helped a lot of clients as well as practitioners move forward doing what they are meant to do by releasing the past. 



Chakra Balancig

By connecting with your energy, I become aware and sometimes see your chakras.


I can see if they are out of alignment and can pick up at times why this might be.


By working with your chakras we can get to the root cause of the unbalance, and bring you in to alignment, helping you feel lighter.


Crystal Healing

Utilising the healing power of the crystals, we work with your chakras and the crystals for alignment, guidance and peace.


Intuition Based Healing

You may not know what you fancy, so I start by connecting with you and seeing what you need for that moment.  could be a mixture of the above or something else.


Whatever it may be, it will be for the highest good and given with so much love.

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